Wednesday, May 25, 2011

First solo flight - May/June 2011

Interestingly, one of the very first challenges of a pilot’s career is to achieve his first solo flight. I Was a bit shocked when I found out you’re expected to do it withih a couple of months of starting the course. As a general rule, if you can do it in 10 hours of flying you’re awesome, in 15 hours you’re good and in 20 you’re pretty ordinary. If you take longer than 20 hours it’s recommended you just give up!
As I was approaching that mark and starting to worry about how apt I really am, I decided to swap instructors to see if that helps.
Jason, my new tutor, was incredibly patient and through with his lessons. Thanks to him I made the cut and made sure I wouldn’t fall behind again.
With Julia being back, colder weather and the course going at full throttle, my life mellowed out considerably, which is what I looking forward to all along the past few months.

One of many Jason's Debriefs. This whole page is about a 1 hour flight! You can tell how motivating yet constructively critic he can be.

This might have been my first surf shot in Kirra. Little did I know that there were many more to come due the affinity between Julia and my camera.

Snapper bomb

Never get sick of that
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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Just when I thought I was gonna settle down for a while, it turned out that Julia had arranged a trip with her best friend ages ago and was gonna be gone for 6 weeks! That was ok, but it kinda made it a bit confusing. Once she was gone I populated my place with 2 nice flatmates and had a pretty good atmosphere at home. There was a bunch of that type of stuff I’d never have the patience to organize.. chocolate fountain nights, pizza nights, etc
It was really fun! But in strange way I was looking forward to have Julia back and stay quiet in my cave at least for some time.
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