Saturday, March 29, 2008


Life as a worker has been a bitch at times, but pretty comfortable in a way.. I accepted going on a salary.. that means if I get hurt and can't work i still get paid, pretty sick! plus annual leave, days in lieu, sickies.. not bad. But sometimes I feel I shouldn't be there.. all the other chefs have been doin it their whole lifes, and even the apprentices have more experience and skills than me haha.
I still feel a little Frank Abagnale like at times.. but fuck it, it's actually pretty fun, specially when I get to do the barbecue on the beach and get paid for it. As they say.. just fake it until you make it.. not bad to be learning the tricks of a pretty big venue I guess.
Can't wait for daylight savings to finish, it'll buy me another hour of morning surf! I actually live in QLD and work in NSW, different time zones during summer.. things will be sweet from the 8th of April though.
Got the next 4 days off.. but no matter what I do, it'll still feel like I could've enjoyed it more..
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Kelly just did it again. Just like in 2006, he won at Snapper and then Bell's puttin himself in a situation where he just can't refuse havin a go at yet another world title. This was the best news of the whole week!! the day he leaves the tour things just won't be the same..
The photos are of TB at the Quick pro, forgot to transfer them earlier.. better late than never!
And bloody Bede is goin off ay! I think he was happy cause I put his photo up last and made it to the final, almost becomin the guy to ring the bell, lol
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drunken shots of 2 icons
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Marcelo & Cara at the Jacuzzi. It's startin to cool down a bit.. gettin in there after surfin is imperative now, I've even cut a copy of their key!
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Andreia in Brazil, random artistic shot.. makes me remember our bodies were made to be used.
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Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Barney, our Flatmate. He's always in a good mood..
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Sunday, March 09, 2008

Oh yeah, Kelly won the CT, by the way!! I supported him hardcore, if the man lost he would kiss the tour good bye. Watching a contest where he doesn't triumph is like watching the Penguin killing Batman.. Surfin doesn't make sense without him. Having Mick to surf against in the final helped too. The waves were pretty shitty this year for the CT, and the choice of days was even worse, specially the expression session. I missed out on most of it cause I just decided to go full time in my new job.. bein on a salary is pretty cool I suppose.. First time ever!
Photo: I couldn't be fucked to take too many photos this year, but i like this one.. Bede in round 1.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

The 20th of Feb

That seals it as the best month of the year and arguably the best day of my life. Absolutely flawless Kirra and some other delights reminded me that the world is a quite fair place at times.
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I'm not shittin u, all those photos were taken in less than 30 min. For each 42 seconds an average of 2 barrels were being succesfully ridden. It was deadset ridiculous, as good as it gets. I don't remember ever seeing shit like that happening b4 my eyes. Getting barrels was as easy as pissing drunk.
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I was actually on my way to school and stopped to take some photos.. no need to say I ended up skipin it and jumping in the water! Epic day that one..
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I mean, Whadda fuck? It was the very day I completed 4 years out here and also the best waves I've ever seen in this country. Awesome combo.
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Friday, March 07, 2008

Fucken sick Kirra
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