Sunday, December 06, 2009





That was huge! Rudi and Ben came up with this schoolies 09 T-shirt idea and I sponsored it with Beach Bum. They sold 3,000 of the bloody things, 90% to chicks! What a massive promo, I was stoked with havin my logo on the tees ay. We also did a draw for a bikini and got a heap of subscriptions yeeow
Business apart, damn, schoolies was fun this year ay! Now that Im an old fart I kinda kick back and crack up at some of the stuff the grommies get up to, they're fucken wild hehe
The boys n I had a ball down in byron one of those nights with the odd youngsters n the European travellers that make that town as loose as cicciolinas cnt. Spewin I didnt have a small camera with me.. been missin out on a few gem partyin clicks although it aint my thing anyway.
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