Saturday, September 10, 2005

I've been really buzy over the last 20 days or so, it was impossible to post anything!
Now there are no excuses, I see myself on a religiously quiet friday and my brand new notebook on my lap.. time to write.
Last time I said anything was on my birthday celebration, epic day! If u received the e-mail, congratulations, if not, I'm sorry.. after that, things kept going well, even though quite randomic sort of thing. My new flatmate rocks, top chick. Have I mentioned her yet? Kat, from Austria, age 23 I guess.. very interesting person. She's been here for almost 3 weeks now and it's being quite nice to have a chick around. Now Gudan (current flatmate sharing the room with Kat) is about to leave and very probably i'm getting another girl in to replace him. He is the master of the strogonoff, a considerable loss.. To make things a bit more confused, Julie has called me at 4am today to tell me that she splited up her relationship. She must be coming to Australia really soon. Let's see what happens.
Back to now.. what can I say? oh yeah, of course! Someone very important went away... Brad, my boss since the last 13 months or so, has decided to follow his dreams and headed back to South Africa. A very brave attitude inspired by his consistent christian beliefs and powered by his guts. He has always been there to me at anytime, just like a father. The experience of having him around have brought across to me and the other guys from Diva a lot of his life conceptions. Though we are not christians, good advices go beyond religion. a person not to be forgotten, definetely.
More news.. Oh yeah! I obviously did buy my birthday camera! a wicked Kodak with 10x of optical zoom and 5.0 megapixels! I took a few nice ones already. the surf has been small but consistent. Yesterday Diego (neighbour) took an hour of his day to come down to the beach out the front with me and has scored good shots of pretty much every wave I surfed, even in crap conditions. That was not the only transaction that happened lately, in fact, I changed all my gear! My IBM laptop is gone, fairly well sold in the same day I put the add up. Maybe mentioning the "clitoris style" mouse have made the marketing difference. My new toy is an Acer as wicked as a notebook gets. now I can burn DVD's and shit! And for being brand new, the battery actually works, so I can write anywhere I please.. beautiful! My video camera was the one to suffer the consequences of this upgrade and have been sold for a friend who is gone to the most sick trip ever: Chile, Brazil, Peru, Spain, France, Switchzerland (is it right?), Hong Kong, Hawaii, Indonesia and back to australia. I might have missed a few coutries, but it's close to it. I hope he enjoy it!
And life goes on.. thanx god I'm working less and surfing everyday again, this whole week was surfable and the whether is way warmer now. I see the flowers popping out from everywhere in a daily basis, the spring is on! Next week is the last studying one, sweeeeet! If things are so bloody good now I wonder what is gonna be like in a couple of weeks, but i'd better not taking anything for granted.. life is what u make it, anyway.

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