Friday, October 14, 2005

Surfing numbers


Photo: An example of shit wave we've been havin' this week.
I'm workin' less again, but this whole week was crap, too small.. today I almost left work earlier to try and surf some tiny ones, but then I had a very simple thought: I'm moving up to the goldcoast soon, where the salaries are quite less substantial, in contrast with the surfing. So when leaving work 3 hours earlier here, I would be losing about $48 in order to get 2 hours of shit surfing, which, in numbers, means about 15 shitty and 5 acceptable waves surfed resulting in an average of 30 maneuvers. In the other hand, on the goldcoast the average rate is much lower, so I would be losing only $30 by leaving earlier, and the surfing conditions, considering a standard day, would allow me to do 65 tricks in 2 hours, even if on only 6 waves, hehe!
The conclusion is that it's much more worth to get bored at work in sydney than up there, since you get so much more and lose so much less. Save ur lazyness to the Goldie! Posted by Picasa

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