Thursday, February 10, 2011

Game Over or Game On?

Now, this was always gonna happen.. and it may be the reason why I fell over a year behind at writing on this blog. I find it extremely difficult to take a look at something that hasn’t come to a finish yet, particularly if it’s a relationship. I met Julia “at a bar”, but we both knew about each other’s existence due friends in common. I found it quite amazing that she knew all the guys and managed not to hook up with any of them even though she’s a deliciously vulnerable German piece of meat. Hard to understand, but it took less than an hour from first sight for me to be all over her. Fortunately, the uncontrollable attraction was mutual and we started a frenzy that went on for… well till last week I guess - That’s about 15 months.
I Immensely appreciate her style of never holding back on feelings. That earned her a top position on my hierarchy straight away, and eventually, she took over as the one and only. That of course, didn’t happen without a little drama, I might extend on that later..

The house slowly getting there

Nothing beats finding someone who can appreciate simple things in life

Getting good old Troy back on the road

One of many signs of absolute cuteness by Julia
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