Sunday, April 24, 2005

Padang-Padang and it's choices

Essa foto ai e do julinho, do leblon, em padang padang na ultima trip, eu mesmo que tirei.. Eu tinha que escolher entre a beleza vermelha do por do sol e a clareza da cena, bem como entre a perfeicao do angulo e a seguranca do canal. no fim das contas o sol se meteu na foto embelezando a cena mas ofuscando o camarada, e eu decidi ficar um pouco mais embaixo pra pegar o angulo certo e tomar na cabeca indo mais uma vez passear no reef.

This is Julinho, from Leblon, in Padang-padang during the last trip, I got the shot myself.. I had to choose between the beautiness of the sunset light and the clearness of the scene, as well as between the best angle and the channel's safety. At the end the sun took it over making it gorgeous but ofuscating the bloke, and I decided to stay a bit more in to get the right angle ending up caught inside abd going once again hang out at the reef.

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