Sunday, February 03, 2008

All in all I guess I could affirm we all get on pretty well. I have more friends here at the moment than I had in the past 21 months put together. Having my own quiet space and at the same time living just a stroke from about 7 different party pads gives me the option to spend my time literally in the atmosphere I please. I’m living with a couple from Denmark, they are ridiculously nice. If you could design ideal flatmates that would be it. I don’t usually get on with people I live with due to my need of being all alone when I’m home, but they are just too cool. Plus our pad is right on the hill to D-bah! They go surfing 5 times a day, sometimes it makes me feel like I don't surf enough, haha. I still haven't worked out if Snapper or Duranbah is closer.. Fuck I’m stoked!
Photo: Gotta love waking up to this bitch! D-bah in late january.
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