Sunday, February 03, 2008

I don’t usually write about happy things, but just for the record… Surfing? That’s been my real muse throughout my whole life. Right now, I can only think of a few words to describe it… Mayhem, Galore, Frenzy! This is holly ground to me; it’s more than Mecca to Muslin people. Forget the fact that both the male and female world champions are from here, forget how high the level is or for how long the waves go. What it means to me goes beyond any of these features, it involves subjective aspects that can be understood by some, but how it all closes as a perfect harmony in every sense could not be on the scope of another human being. I am absolutely aware of how not special I am though. If I was the only one in love with this piece of land named Coolangatta it wouldn’t be so bloody crowded.
Photo: adored by (too?) many, D-bah has got an infinite amount of juice to feed us mortals.
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