Sunday, July 27, 2008

This is just a totally messy video of a drive back to Leblon after scoring a few good ones up in Macumba, Rio de Janeiro. I like cause it shows the city in a pretty raw way.. That was a day b4 I did my wisdom cnts.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Low down - first half of Brazil 2008 trip





This trip has been exceeding my expectations by far. The last 15 days were that much fun I couldn’t even make time for posting anything. Just got home from a nasty experience: Got all my 4 wisdom teeth pulled out at once. The slaughter was that heavy I wonder if it was worth it.. Bloody primitive being I am, still had those useless fangs… I always thought I didn’t because I don’t have any beard at 24, but the x-ray image broke my heart. Oh well, I’ll get over it. I’m glad at least I did it here and got my mum to look after me while I’m crook.

Plus I finally have a chance to write, edit some videos, answer to e-mails, get new shit on that Ipod, spend more time at home and all the rest of it.
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It would be pretty hard to remember what happened day by day.. All I know is that I got here starving for some brazilian food, full of surfing gear to sell and keen on drinking and surfing as much as possible.

All my flights were delayed. 2 hours in Sydney and 6 hours in Buenos Aires. I spent about 32 hours in Transit. The plane landed at 5 past midnite on Monday, it’s hard to think of a worst time to arrive. All my mates thought I was gonna be there 7 hours earlier, so I was picked up by my mum. First munch was an acai, fantastic shit.

Unlike the last time I came to Brazil, I didn’t go clubbing then surfing straight away, just had a good night of sleep instead.
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It’s pretty good to be away for 2 years and then come to see your mates, they treat you like a celeb! For the first week anyway lol. I spent more time in the water with Ian cause he was leaving to Mexico in 2 weeks and I won’t see the dude again till Bali or Hawaii sometime. 5 good friends and I surfed an empty choppy left down south breaking on a rock ledge and then had the best Churrasco and sushi buffet for lunch in the first day. Most of the other days were enjoyed at our home break, Arpoador, as the banks were pretty good and it was the best way to see all of my crew plus train a bit for the contest we had coming up.
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Idillyc Ipanema dumpster
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Clubbing wise I was slightly disappointed this whole game played between the opposite sex in Brazil makes me sick. Girls care too much about not looking like a slut, which added to the excess of offer they have makes them extremely up themselves. Don’t get me wrong, I must say that both the quantity and quality freaked me out hardcore. Endless crews of stunning women can be found in abundance in the right spots. Unfortunately you don’t really see them everywhere from supermarket check outs to busses, but once you get yourself in the right stretch of beach (which, tough luck, it’s Ipanema: usually just a shore dump for surfing) or at the right club you will see yourself surrounded of divas. Shame that most of them think they r the shit.
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On Saturday, my sixth day, my grandpa invited to have lunch at a place I always hated with a passion. Since I was outta here for so long and had had a long surfing day just thought I would give it a go. It’s one of those buffets I usually love, but I just don’t like its colours, smell, crowd, food, not even the paintings on the wall. I was worn out as fuck and still had another surf planned for the day because our local comp was meant to happen the next day, but still ate heapsa shit.. specially fat and sausages, not to mention the beers.
I ended up puking every gram of that crap while surfing that late arvo. Pretty nasty lol maybe I shouldn’t really post it here hehe.

After that I wasn’t that amped to eat that much anymore.. I even missed out on clubbin, and it was my first sat.
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The comp was that much fun! Pretty much all my mates were there. I surfed pretty shit, hehe don’t know how they can rip like that with so much backwash! It didn’t mater though, it was still a truly fun day and I was stoked cause I still made it to my heat after spending the whole nite b4 waking up every half an hour still poisoned by that punk ass lunch lol. It finished on Monday the 14th, Ian won the event for the third time in a roll, fucken awesome job!
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The next week was possibly a little better. I don’t really remember a lot.. but I know that there was a little less surf and more mess. I threw a sick party last Saturday, only about 25 friends came cause the place was my mum’s atelier, quite a mission to find, but still all-time. We finally found a fun club afterwards so I was stoked. It’s fucked cause nearly every night I went out with my loose mates till around 4am and woke up with Ian calling at 7am to surf, just getting home at 4pm and having to head to the dentist. Before going out again straight from there.

I still ensured not to miss out on anything, since I would have to pull out my wisdom cunts today, buying me time to rest…
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