Friday, July 25, 2008




On Saturday, my sixth day, my grandpa invited to have lunch at a place I always hated with a passion. Since I was outta here for so long and had had a long surfing day just thought I would give it a go. It’s one of those buffets I usually love, but I just don’t like its colours, smell, crowd, food, not even the paintings on the wall. I was worn out as fuck and still had another surf planned for the day because our local comp was meant to happen the next day, but still ate heapsa shit.. specially fat and sausages, not to mention the beers.
I ended up puking every gram of that crap while surfing that late arvo. Pretty nasty lol maybe I shouldn’t really post it here hehe.

After that I wasn’t that amped to eat that much anymore.. I even missed out on clubbin, and it was my first sat.
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