Friday, February 13, 2009





Went down to Byron on my own on the 30th.. thought I would see what it was like just b4 nye, but didn't wanna be there one more fucken time for the 31st.
That was a fun trip, hanging out by myself is always sweet, except cause I don't have anyone to talk about it later haha and the way my memory is going I honestly would be lucky to recollect 7% of what happened in that trip. Its was surely fun though, it's easier to remember when it's shit haha
Oh yeah that's right! just had a flash of memory.. I'd received awesome news in the middle of the party at beach hotel so everything seemed sweet and I was flying!
Plus my stepfather and I had a good talk on the phone and we r tight now after so long!
I rushed back to the goldie on the 31st.. the weather was flawless.. so many offshore days in a roll, shame there was no swell.
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