Friday, March 31, 2006

Batman Begins

Photo: What's the point on Bikini or Lingerie contest when we are looking at this girl? Rebecca, from Byron Bay, goes well with anything.

Hahaha, after the accident I’m so broken… I knew I had to start working and there was no time to be too picky. I just gave myself Saturday and Sunday free of this lemon to make the most of that cyclone swell, but on Monday morning I went looking for a job.

My way to get hooked up into gigs is by asking everybody I know if they got anything, so I just called a few mates, then went to school and asked people in the class. This car washing shit came up, a fair way to make up for the damage I’ve been causing to automobiles lately; I was about to take it. On Tuesday though, this girl from Equator that I saw in Bali and now goes to the same class told me about a glassy job at The Bedroom (killer nightclub). How good it sounded! I saw her working there once, dancing around with a tray above her head and smiling through the crowds. It’s fun! I went for a trial in the same night (Tuesday) and it was fine, I mean, bloody fantastic! So many hot girls working in that place, and what’s better: all I had to do was to take the empty glasses and keep the place looking tidy. I was born for tat shit, Hahaha! Joking, but it’s not a bad way to start up on this coast…

I did well, got the job and started in the next night, it went from 10:47pm till 5:21am. There was a bloody Bikini VS Lingerie contest and free Pizza for the whole club, not bad at all! The only boring shit was packing up, but it goes for only one hour out of 7 spent there anyway. Such a Bat life, living up to the nickname given by my flatmates even b4 this job, but sweet ass. I haven’t felt the satisfaction of getting home $100 more rich (or less poor) for 4 months, it was mad! There was still energy left to go surfing, but it was dead flat. Lucky I got this new Ipod, catching buses most of the times sucks. Last nite I was there again, for only 4 hours this time (no packing up!) it was even more fun because I know more people now. Tonight again and so on, hehe. There are no waves and it’s gray, cold and raining at the moment, so all that’s left, really, is the night life, and making money from it is the go.

Gone partying! Posted by Picasa

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