Monday, March 06, 2006

First day!

Yeeew, the new school is sick! I was at D-bah watching the CT just now but had to come here for the class at 1pm.. Parko has demolished Peterson.. with a 9.17 and a 9.0 Ride there was not much to be done to beat him. After 15 days of good sized waves, it dropped to ridiculous 2 foot today. on both saturday and sunday there were jetskys everywhere towing pros in the massive waves. I surfed a few at Kirra yesterday, in spite of the brown water in due to the rain and the superstrong current, it was absolutely glassy, big, uncrowded (!) and there were a few looong barreling ones coming through. After that it doesn't feel so bad to be at school now instead of surfing.. Anyway, this is my first hour here of the 2 years the course will last, it went pretty quickly.. Keep it up!

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