Tuesday, September 16, 2008





The next day I was pretty well fucked up, but not as much as the waves. Spent every single minute of the day planning exactly what my next move would be. My decision was to drive up to Kuta around 5, get a room there, have good dinner, massage, internet and all that crap then go extra wild at clubbing, waking up in Kuta and driving to Cangoo for a surf the next day, since it was the only surfable spot at that stage. The plan was fantastic, but because I would not drive in Bali for any reason whatsoever, I had to get at least one person to come. It took me about 4 hours, but at the end of the day I had a good little army. We were 5. All of us boys got all we desired for, and Greta, a young hottie that blows everyone away every time she steps on a surfboard, decided to just chill at the room we got in Kuta. Before getting too drunk, Me, Tchelao and her sat 1 hour in front of a Balinese travel agent deciding what trip to go for. Because the forecast wasn’t that great I thought G-land would be the pick, so we locked in for the 24th at 10pm. It was even better to go clubbing knowing we would be in the jungle that soon.

We woke up feeling not too bad, rented a car, I got a Bali number (081338771220), and we finally headed to Cangoo. The waves were… quite good for normal standards but not much for Bali. It was pretty chilli again, I used my 6’2 for those 2 footers and it wasn’t quite flowing.Tchelao and Greta were ripping it even though it was pretty average. This sesh pretty much fueled me to leave Bali and spend some time in G-land with much bigger waves and a lot less people out. We were chilling at that Idyllic spot till noon, hanging out with a couple of really nice dudes that have been living there for a year.

We arrived back at the Bukit peninsula quite late, just in time for a local’s barbecue celebrating his birthday. Didn’t stay for too long though.. Just went home early, prepared my shit and had a good sleep before surfing fun ulu’s the next day and leaving to G-land that night.
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