Monday, April 13, 2009

Behind the scenes of the CT there was a hellavalot of fun. Coolie hotel was firing every night with this many people in town. The sales went really well too, I even put a stand outta front of mine to sell a few extra bikinis while everyone was here! The pro show was pretty sick, except cause there were that many fights.. mostly between kids though. The funnest part was prob the attempt of jumping the fence haha
We were drinking every day for 2 weeks.. barbecues every second day.. not that much working.. fuck that was cruisy, although I was psyched about using the opportunity for Beach Bum. Stickers were everywhere, people seem to dig them. The trend is still going.. from bartender’s bums (thanx Cara!) to poles, to cars, it’s just spreading heaps! Cards were given to heaps of chicks too. Everyone has to know about the firm lol
Pics: A card in it’s final destination: some girl’s purse, if it had a face it would be smiling in triumph lol;
Negao and I being city cunts with the bikini stand outta front hehe guess u gotta do what u gotta do, don’t really care if it looks weird hehe; Deadly encounter at Coolie hotel! Batman and the Joker hahaha check out his t-shirt;
Off my face at the Sands!
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