Thursday, August 26, 2010

haha still learning a thing or 2 on photoshop.. I did it to relieve some frustration
The original shot, pissed off at the hospital toilet holding an ice filled glove and my iphone lol

As warned, I was barred for being on my own. Someone told me about a different joint, called The Docks, so that’s where I headed, in spite of the taxi driver’s efforts to convince me to go to a strip joint.

This place looked pretty wild, it was already 3am and there were about 6 small clubs next to each other going off. I picked one called Hawaii and copped a £20 cover charge. The beer was only £2.50 so I was going hard on it. Only after I was Already smashed I realized that the entry fee was actually a voucher to be consumed there. Oh well, had to drink another 8 beers on top of it.

I had enough and walked out of the club blind, but my toughts were all over the place. I stopped outta front and something in there caught my drunken eye so I tried to get back in. The bouncer said it was 5am lock out. I should’ve known.. I was still hanging around smashed when I saw the door unattended and sneaked in. They told me to get out as I was talking to a chick, I pretended to go but kept crapping on to her. I saw a hand grabbing my arm and prepared myself for a flight out the door, but instead of throwing me, they hit me in the face dry. It didn’t really hurt and I couldn’t even tell what part was hit, but the amount of blood coming out was freaky. I was drinking lots of it, the taste was… so natural. I didn’t get a good visual of the bouncer, I was out in the street on my own bleeding like crazy. It would be an understatement to say that no one gave a crap. I wonder if that happens every night in Portugal. I walked over to the main road and found a few cops after people refused to help. They called an ambulance and I asked a cop to come back with me and find the guy. All I wanted to do is kill, and the cop had a gun so I figured he could be useful. I wasn’t thinking that straight… The bouncer was gone. Another fight broke out as we were looking for him so the cop went to contain it and I hopped on the ambulance.

The bleeding was still at full force, unbelievable. I always wondered what it was like to get punched in the face by someone who wants to cause as much damage as possible. In the Ambulance, all I wanted to know is why the fuck did that bouncer do it. Was it really necessary? The teeth count was sweet, so I figured it was my nose. That’s when the thoughts of deformation begun. I wanted to know what it looked like now, but more than anything, I wanted to kill that fucker.

It didn’t take long till we were in the hospital. I checked in and saw myself on my own in a waiting room being tortured by my killing instinct. After looking at my nose, I was on the ground hitting my own thigh and swearing my lungs out. This went on for an hour. I eventually got up and went to a different room, where 2 guys were coming from the same place, one with a broken nose as well. They called me in not long after that. A Portuguese doctor roughly straightened my nose with his bare hands without much of a warning. It didn’t hurt at all… but I knew that it wasn’t a final solution. My mum arrived once my nose looked more presentable. I waited with her for another 2 hours and went back in to surgery to get more manual nasal remodelling and 2 10cm tubes as thick as my pinky shoved into my nose. I thought they only did it for the operation, but the order was to keep that thing in there for 3 days.

I left the hospital unable to breath with my nose, and what was worse, knowing I wouldn’t for 3 days. I had no idea how hard everything becomes when you exclude this simple faculty. Swallowing means an internal convulsion, your ear threatens exploding every time you do it. Talking is not even worth it. Eating? You’re joking me, starving sounds more attractive.

Julia and Cecilia joined us. I was worried I might really get in the way of the carefully crafted travel plans they had put together. If I was well enough to debate, I would ask them to just leave me in the hospital for a few days.

We were in the car heading north only about 6 hours after the punch. At least the rented car was comfortable enough. I was meant to catch up With Rafa, a dear friend I met in Indonesia 2 years before, but in those conditions I called it off. In fact, I called everything off. We visited 3 cities in 3 days. This means 3 different hotels and a lot of driving. My only criteria were the thickness of the pillows and the speed of the Internet connection in each hotel. It feels like I wasted my chance of checking out Peninche, Coimbra and Guimaraes, but I really didn’t have a choice.

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