Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Barcelona - Spain


We still had a night left in Barcelona, it was my chance to go back to that lounge and be the cheap mofo I usually am lol. After one more nice dinner with my mum and sister, I left the camera behind and arranged to meet up with Omar’s girl and 2 of her friends – Carioca girls. I wasn’t really expecting any type of outcome from that encounter. Nevertheless, it was a good icebreaker for me, as I hadn’t met practically anyone in the whole trip before those girls came along. I asked master Google whether I could get drunk while on antibiotics. For my surprise, it’s not a problem.
Vodka was the theme of the night. We didn’t head to the clubs till it was past 12, that’s when I realized that Carpe Diem is just one more club out of about 8, and definitely not the main one. This Opium place seemed to be the shit, but I got barred for being in shorts. So I found myself back at Carpe Diem with them girls – The perfect stage for my grand revenge. I was struggling to get a slight beat happening. Shoulders, head… I’ll never learn how to dance. I was talking shit to the only possible score until the other two Cariocas eventually wanted to bail at around 2am, taking her along. I was stoked, deep inside, all I wanted was to be somewhere I don’t know absolutely anyone. More Vodka, with Red Bull this time. The night didn’t finish till 6am, and it ended at Opium, where I was barred at first. That was pretty insane.. I don’t really remember that much but it rocked!
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